Road ahead: Stopgap spat and Supreme Court tension dominate week

McConnell pledged within hours of Ginsburg’s death that Trump’s nominee will receive a Senate vote, but he did

توسط MRAMINS در 1 مهر 1399

McConnell pledged within hours of Ginsburg’s death that Trump’s nominee will receive a Senate vote, but he didn’t specify whether that would occur before or after the Nov. 3 election. He reiterated that in floor comments Monday, saying, “President Trump’s nominee for this vacancy will receive a vote on the floor of the Senate.”

The timing considerations, including how best to protect several GOP senators who are considered vulnerable for reelection, are likely to be discussed in closed-door GOP meetings this week.

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer has warned against a rushed confirmation, saying if the GOP doesn’t wait until a new president is installed, “everything is on the table” should Democrats win the White House and the Senate. Some Senate Democrats want to end the legislative filibuster and pass legislation to expand the Supreme Court beyond nine justices. 

Committee highlights

Top health and financial leaders will be on Capitol Hill this week to testify about the pandemic response, while senators will also get to grill Trump’s pick to head the Homeland Security Department. 

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee will hear pandemic response updates Wednesday afternoon from Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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