Capitol flu shot protocols altered to reflect COVID concerns

Flu vaccine shots are now available on Capitol Hill, but distribution will look different than years past due to heightened concerns about coronavirus. Health experts say the threat of COVID-19 makes getting a flu shot even more of an imperative.

The Office of the Attending Physician will administer flu shots at two locations in the Capitol complex, down the spiral staircase in the Capitol Visitors’ Center in SCV200 and on the House side in Longworth B248 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. daily.

The flu shots are available to thousands of legislative staffers, Capitol Police, Architect of the Capitol employees, restaurant workers, journalists and others who work in the Capitol complex, but those numbers have dropped sharply since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in March.

“Availability is likely to be staggered throughout the season,” according to the Attending Physician’s website.

Like previous years, the flu shot supply in Congress  is not limitless and the OAP receives batch shipments from the manufacturer.